Nigerian Internet Group Offers N1Million Grant To Technology Entrepreneurs

The Nigerian Internet Group (NIG) has announced its yearly grants to young Nigerian entrepreneurs in the Internet space. The NIG is giving out N1Million in grants to people who have built internet solutions that solve problems and have the potential to create jobs. The grant is 1Million to every winner in each of the categories. Winners will be picked after each nomination has been thoroughly processed.

The winners will undergo entrepreneurial and mentorship sessions from members of the Nigerian Internet Group. Funds will also be closely monitored to ensure effective management and focus.

The grant is under the NIG’s Internet 4 Jobs initiative (14J) and the categories for this year’s grants are

• E-commerce / E-Business Solutions
• Mobile web Solutions & Apps
• E-Government Solutions
• Cloud Solutions / Software as a Service
• Social Entrepreneurship Solutions

The deadline for submissions has been pushed to the 24th of March. You can apply here.

Source: Otekbits, The NIG


Binjo is passionate about(some say he's obsessed with) technology and the web. . In his spare time, Binjo runs UP NEPA! Where he blogs on a wide range of issues. Circle Him on Google+

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