
Posted On March 13, 2013 By In Entertainment, Media, Viral Content

We’ve Spent 27 Centuries Watching Harlem Shake Videos [INFOGRAPHIC]

In just a month, we’ve spent 2,782 years worth of time watching videos of the ridiculously viral Harlem Shake that took over YouTube the past few weeks. In that time, we could have made $176 million in the US, earned 50,780 bachelor’s degrees and traveled the sun and back 2,312 times.

Those of us who would rather do something less ambitious with that time could have watched The Lord of The Rings extended edition trilogy, including credits, two million times. I haven’t even gotten to watching any!

The infographic below has more stats to make you feel like a weist and reevaluate the things you spend time on. To help you waste even more time, type in “do the Harlem Shake” on YouTube and watch the page literally do the Harlem Shake.


An infographic by the team at YTD Youtube Downloader

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Faridah Seriki has been interested in technology since she got her hands on a desktop when she was eight. She founded Technesstivity after releasing a successful blog she made for class combining her passion for both journalism and technology. Faridah graduated from Vivian Fowler in 2009 and lives in New York where she graduated from Hofstra University with a Bachelors degree in Broadcast Journalism