Microsoft Takes Major Shots At Apple With iPad vs. Windows 8 Campaigns

Microsoft-Apple ad rivalry is nothing new. Chances are it’s an Apple product taking the shots in almost every tablet, smartphone or computer ad that pokes fun at another product. At this point, your ad campaign is not complete if you haven’t poked fun at an Apple product.

With Microsoft’s latest jab, they used a Windows 8 tab and an iPad side by side with Siri making the iPad look bad. I mean, who better to help make the iPad look mediocre?

The ad shows the Windows 8 tab doing things the iPad can’t like multitasking, showing real-time updates on the home screen and creating a PowerPoint (which isn’t exactly fair considering Microsoft hasn’t created a PowerPoint app for iOS and there are equivalents in the App Store). Throughout the ad, Siri keeps apologizing to the user saying, “I can’t do that,” and eventually gives up concluding, “Should we just play chopsticks?” It then leads into the campaign slogan: “Less talking, more doing”

Anyone else see what they did there? Take a look at the ad below.

Microsoft also launched a comparison site that compares specs of Windows 8 tabs like the ASUS VivoTab Smart, Dell XPS 10, HP ENVY x2 and Microsoft Surface RT to the iPad. The site puts qualities such as thinness, display size, the inclusion of microHDMI and microSD ports, printing capabilities and more side by side so users can see which is better.

Again, they are unfair with Microsoft Office stating, “The only consumer Office app the iPad can run is OneNote.” There’s an app for that Microsoft.

And for old times sake, here are a few I’m a PC and I’m a Mac ads in one video

Faridah Demola-Seriki

Faridah Seriki has been interested in technology since she got her hands on a desktop when she was eight. She founded Technesstivity after releasing a successful blog she made for class combining her passion for both journalism and technology. Faridah graduated from Vivian Fowler in 2009 and lives in New York where she graduated from Hofstra University with a Bachelors degree in Broadcast Journalism

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