Hitler Reacts To SOPA[VIDEO]

For a lot of us in the internet industry, we’re pissed about SOPA. Really Really Pissed. On a lighter note, Here’s Hitler’s Reaction to SOPA. Footage from The Downfall (2004), Copyright © 2004 Constantin Film AG, portions published under Fair Use, Title 17, U.S.C., Section 107.

“Don’t cry, Disney has the right to that emotion”


Binjo is passionate about(some say he's obsessed with) technology and the web. . In his spare time, Binjo runs UP NEPA! Where he blogs on a wide range of issues. Circle Him on Google+

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  • http://tinyurl.com/c2u9rqe Frankie Headley

    We can, we should and we are going to prevent ACTA. All of us need to get engaged and if you have a blog, manage a online business or are a member of a community forum, you must let your customers or similar readers find out what is developing. These regulations have not been created to help to protect us or to safeguard copyright but to shut off any site which they decide to censor.

  • http://ÿþh Hilario Agudo

    “Stop Online Piracy Act” is uglier than SOPA as it not only will restrict our web freedoms but will also affect what we purchase, what we feed on and what we can do. Almost anyone could turn into a a offender instantaneously with this.
