iPhone 4S: The Flipside

So I recently wrote about my new shiny iPhone 4S and certain people have informed me that it reads like a love note to Apple Inc. The thing is, really, what’s not to love?

Well, you know how when you meet a new chick (or guy) and (s)he just really seems perfect to you, like God’s gift to mankind. And so you talk to them at first and they still seem pretty awesome but then you really get to know them and you find out that they aren’t quite as perfectly awesome as you first thought(or hoped)? I think that’s how my relationship with the iPhone 4S went. Kind of like the law of diminishing returns really.


Anyways, here are my top 2 peeves with the iPhone 4S:

  1. Battery:   Apple announced that the iPhone 4S was going to have longer battery talk time but shorter standby time. Boy, is that standby time shorter. On my old iPhone, I could go practically a whole day of regular use without needing to ever even know where my charger was and I would be fine. Now however, it seems like I always have to have a place to charge my phone lest it die on me halfway through a p-setting. The new battery life is, on paper 200 hours standby which is 100 less than the old one, but in reality, for day-to-day use of the phone, I average about 10 hours (where I used to have like 16) before alarms start going off alerting me to find a 30-pin connector or risk a communications blackout in my near future.
 2. Siri: Okay so here’s the thing about Siri: She’s awesome. She works great. All the time. Except when she doesn’t. Some things Siri does wonderfully, but some things you would expect her to be able to do, she just can’t and she goes straight from magical genius to brain-dead retard in less time than it takes to unlock your phone. Siri is simply the greatest conundrum I have ever encountered in a mobile device. She can check and send your email, but she cannot read it. She can set an alarm, but she can’t set 2 at once. She’ll read your newest text message but she can’t call back the last person you spoke to on the phone. It gets so frustrating that you want to throw your phone into a wall but the you realize that the phone costs more money than people working at minimum wage in Nigeria make in 3 months.  I love my iPhone, but sometimes, I wish Siri was a real person so I could strangle her.

That’s pretty much the flip side. Drop a comment with your thoughts.

Dunni Abiodun

Dunni is a tech enthusiast who has great interest in all fields of tech but places his primary interests in the development of mobile platforms and in tech innovation in emerging markets. He has been a blogger for over 3 years now and covers a variety of topics.

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  • haha

    good article. very enjoyable to read.
