Co-Creation Hub To Host Evening With Eskimi CEO

Mobile social network Eskimi has over 2.4 million Nigerians as members out of its 5 million user base. Eskimi boasts of 100,000+ new users daily with over 130,000 Nigerian visits daily.

Between 5.30 and 8.30 PM On Wednedsday 7th Of March 2012, Nigeria’s Co-Creation Hub will host Vytas Paukstys, the CEO of Eskimi. He will present the social network’s plan for Nigeria and enlighten developers on how to leverage on Eskimi’s API and marketing tools. There’ll also be a Question and Answer segment.

Click here  to register for the event.


Binjo is passionate about(some say he's obsessed with) technology and the web. . In his spare time, Binjo runs UP NEPA! Where he blogs on a wide range of issues. Circle Him on Google+

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