Bing Adds Bitcoin Conversion To Search Results

Bitcoin Bing

In an apparent boost for crypto-currency, Bitcoin, Microsoft has included the functionality for the value conversion of Bitcoin to other currencies. This comes at a crossroad for the currency with the recent arrest of Charlie Shrem, a prominent person in the community and Apple’s recent removal of the popular Bitcoin wallet Blockchain. As for now, the functionality is limited to the US, UK, Australia, Canada and India. The conversion functionality is available in 50 currencies from dollars to euros.

Microsoft further states that:

As Bitcoin (the peer-to-peer payment system and digital currency) makes headlines and captures the world’s attention, we thought it was only natural to give you an easy way to track real-time fluctuations. Starting today, you will find instant Bitcoin conversions at the top of your Bing results.

The Bitcoin rate is from Coinbase, another Bitcoin wallet. Microsoft says it will be rolling out this feature to other markets in due time.

Source: Bing Blog

Akinyemi Ogunsanya

Akin is a writer at Technesstivity since June 2011 covering the use of technology in everyday life ranging from entertainment to business. A native of Lagos, Nigeria, he is a business economics student at the University of Liverpool. He has a knack for the role of venture-capital in funding innovative companies. He aspires to one day be a venture capitalist and investor. When in his spare time, the could be seen writing articles, reading books, listening to music, working on student radio and socialising with friends.

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