google drive

Posted On April 24, 2012 By In Mobile, Top Stories

Google Introduces Cloud Storage Service

Everyone is going into cloud computing these days. Google has finally joined Amazon, Microsoft and Dropbox and introduced its cloud-storage service, simply called Drive.

A cloud-storage service syncs your offline files with something like an online hard drive accessible anywhere you have an internet connection.

Google is offering 5GB of storage with this service and integrating it with Google Docs. This means you can collaborate on documents and have a backup of that file stored offline on your computer as well. Anything you add to your Google Drive folder on your computer will automatically be added to your Google Drive folder online with all your Google Docs. These files will also be accessible via the Google Drive Android app.

Your documents will also be easy to access via Google+.  According to Mashable, they’re working to get fax machine replacement, HelloFax and video editor, WeVideo to incorporate Drive into their services.

The 5GB is double what Dropbox has to offer for free, but Microsoft’s SkyDrive offers 100GB. Do you already use a cloud-storage service? If so, which do you prefer? Would you make the switch to Google Drive? Let us know!

Source: Mashable

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Faridah Seriki has been interested in technology since she got her hands on a desktop when she was eight. She founded Technesstivity after releasing a successful blog she made for class combining her passion for both journalism and technology. Faridah graduated from Vivian Fowler in 2009 and lives in New York where she graduated from Hofstra University with a Bachelors degree in Broadcast Journalism