WARNING: New Facebook Scam Pretends To Connect You to Video Calling

Last week, Facebook and Skype launched a video call tool for Facebook, we’re beginning to see scammers trick people into spamming all their friends with the claim of enabling the new video call feature.

To avoid this scam, ignore all Wall posts telling you to Sign up for facebook’s video calling. Facebook isn’t distributing the service that way. If you’ve clicked the wall post, we suggest you report the link as spam, so facebook can deal with it soon.

To sign up for Facebook’s video calling tool, go to http://facebook.com/videocalling . We’ve got a tutorial on how to install the program here. It’s also important to note that the video calling feature isn’t available to all users yet, Facebook will roll it out steadily and will hopefully get to you soon.

This is what the Wall posts look like:


Image: Naked Security


Binjo is passionate about(some say he's obsessed with) technology and the web. . In his spare time, Binjo runs UP NEPA! Where he blogs on a wide range of issues. Circle Him on Google+

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