Students and Technology On Campus [INFOGRAPHIC]

I came across this infographic this morning and decided to write about it when I got out of class. How befitting that the professor needed us all to read an article from the New York Times and told us to pull it up on our smartphones since it would be time-consuming to pass the paper around class. The class has a strict ‘No Phones’ policy and it was interesting to see that no matter how traditional the class setting, technology is a tool we all have to embrace. This... Read More

Exam Time Gaming – What To Do

Dear gamers, do not be misled by the image above; I am in no way suggesting you should screw your exams over and carry on with your usual gaming habits. However if you do feel you prioritised  wrongly and may not have performed as well as you could, then let the image console you because it isn’t the end of the world. I woke up this Saturday morning with a strong urge to feed my “gamenesstivity” (does that work?) but unfortunately I’m in the middle of... Read More