HBO Announces Game Of Thrones Return Date


HBO has announced the premiere date of the 4th season of Game of Thrones. The medieval-style hit show is to return to screens on the 6th of April at 9PM eastern time(3AM in Nigeria. The Season 3 finale saw 6.3 million viewers and made Game of Thrones the most pirated TV show of 2013.

BdkzoLfCUAAh5Mw When we last saw Game of Thrones, a large part of House Stark had been wiped out after Robb’s wedding. Leaving Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon orphans. The Lannisters are still in charge while Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre decide not to kill Davos.

Outside the seven kingdoms, Daenerys is still the mother of dragons and now 10,000 unsullied. Jon Snow returns to the wall after knowing a lot of nothings.

Game of Thrones is based on the books from A Song of Ice and Fire – a trilogy by George R. Martin.

Source: Variety, IMDB


Binjo is passionate about(some say he's obsessed with) technology and the web. . In his spare time, Binjo runs UP NEPA! Where he blogs on a wide range of issues. Circle Him on Google+

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