Modern Warfare 3: The Hype

“There’s a soldier in all of us.” And I know all those soldiers within are anticipating the release of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 which hits stores in Europe and North America on the 8th of November. You know what that means; you need to go and set up camp at your local game store. However, just incase you weren’t ready for COD: MW3 and you needed some extra motivation to harass your local game store manager at midnight, here’s a Modern Warfare 3 live-action trailer to awaken your inner soldier.

If Sam Worthington, Jonah Hill and Dwight Howard didn’t do it for you then nothing will. Pre-orders are above that of last year’s Call of Duty: Black Ops says publishers, Activision Blizzard. Black Ops sold 25 million copies so imagine how well Modern Warfare 3 may do; and as a dedicated gamer you would want to contribute to its potential success, right?

Wrong. In Créteil, France, a delivery truck carrying 6,000 copies of Modern Warfare 3 was hijacked and stolen by two masked individuals on Saturday. The truck crashed into a car, then the two hijackers exited, tear-gassed all the witnesses and made their escape with the €400,000 worth of games. This was reported by French news outlets: TF1 and Ultimate PS3. So if you are in France and you’re getting copies of the game earlier than everyone else and/or for a lower price, you know why.

These criminal gamers give the rest of a bad name, don’t they? But don’t let them spoil your mood; Are you hyped for Modern Warfare 3? Possibly planning a camping trip outside a game store? Please leave any thoughts below.

Demolu Dabiri

Demolu Dabiri is a freshman doing the Liberal Studies Program at New York University. His curiosity is piqued by anything even slightly technological but gaming is his forté. If you want to contact me about anything game/technology related or just say hi: Tweet me @aydabiri or find me on Facebook.

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