
Posted On August 2, 2014 By In Business, Mobile

How To Subscribe To Airtels Android Bundles In Nigeria

Android KitKat

Airtel Nigeria has unveiled new bundles for Android users on its network. The bundles make Airtel the cheapest network for using your data guzzling Android device.

There are 2 bundle options and they last 30 days: 2GB for N2000 and 4.5GB for N3500. Heres how to activate it

To activate the 2GB Android bundle @ N2000 for 30days, dial *437#

To activate the 4.5GB Android bundle @ N3500 for 30days, dial *438#

To check your Android data balance, simply dial *223#

However, its important you know that at night(between 10pm and 6am), Airtel will charge you at a burn rate of 1.5kobo/kb and during the day(between 6am and 10pm), Airtel will charge you at a burn rate of 1kobo/kb.

We asked Airtel if this plan also works on iPhones. The answer is yes you can use this plan on your iPhone.

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Binjo is passionate about(some say he's obsessed with) technology and the web. . In his spare time, Binjo runs UP NEPA! Where he blogs on a wide range of issues. Circle Him on Google+