Netflix Renaming Shipping Service

In an email sent out on Monday by Netflix CEO, Reed Hastings, he confirmed that Netflix will be renaming its DVD shipping service to Qwikster and explained to everyone the reason there was a price hike in the Netflix subscription plan. You can read his long-form email here.

We would all think that this explanatory email would make the Netflix customer base more understandable; instead the customers revolted even more. The blog that was posted by CEO Reed Hastings was commented on by over 27,000 people. Most of them expressing their dislike of the price hike. Although it is worthy to note that in his email, he said that they are done with price changes.

The Qwikster service will be launching in a few weeks’ time according to Hastings and it will also be offering video game renting options for PS3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. The Netflix website will remain the same and will be solely for the video streaming service while will be the site where the customer can rent movies and video games. This video game renting service will definitely become competition in a market that was dominated by video game renting service GameFly, as they were the only ones renting out video games online.

But tell us what you think. Does the added video game renting service make Netflix, or rather Qwikster, more appealing to you? Or is it something you aren’t necessarily interested in? Let us know your thoughts below.

Paul Ogunlowo

Paul Ogunlowo is a technology enthusiast. He loves testing, playing with and owning any and every gadget on the market. He is a Junior student studying Information Technology at Hofstra University in New York. In his spare time he develops websites.

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